Website open!

Happy 2025! I’ve been working on this website for months, and now I’m finally clicking ‘Publish’! There’s definitely a learning curve, so it’ll keep getting built, but I wanted to get it out there. It’s like making any project, it’ll never reach that perfect point - you just have to make it and put it out there.

I miss making free websites in school breaks back in the 2000s, but hopefully this site can be a modern-day version. I want to make it really cute! I’ll look-up if I can add cute cursors! I’m guessing having songs auto-play is definitely not a thing we could get away with anymore hahah - maybe if I make my own songs (see my 2025 plans post)!

If you don’t know who I am, hi! I’m Nov. I draw illustrations, make comics (which I have a degree in) and zines, and take photos. Check out my Blog post about my goals for 2025 for new things I want to try and projects I have planned for this year! I love going to art markets, although Agoraphobia has been limiting that.

My favourite topics to draw/write about are mental health topics, gender identity, identity in general, and cuteness! I like making autobiographical comics about my experiences with mental illnesses or trauma as I generally find it therapeutic, I hope someone else can see their own experiences there and know they’re not alone. I think they’re quite specific topics that I don’t see covered a lot.

I also like drawing my favourite characters! I’m working on a Spider-Man fanzine and was working on a The Social Network one too, but now I’m having second thoughts due to the real Zuck’s behaviour lately. It’s a shame because TSN is my favourite film of all time, and I’ve always been able to separate it from the people it’s based on. However, with how scary this year (and the next 3) feel, it feels a little inappropriate. What do you think?

I’m 31, queer in multiple ways, and live in North Yorkshire, UK. Please email me if you have any projects you’d like us to work on together, online or in-person! It’s (I have a trial for a email but I’m still working that out and giving it a trial).

Please check out the art I have posted here, and maybe my store if you’re interested in physical products!

I hope this website is a useful portfolio! Please let me know what you think of it in the comments! I’d also love any advice - it’s definitely a work in progress.

(Also find me at novsart on Instagram, Tumblr, Etsy, Redbubble; on Tiktok; mochinov on Bluesky; or wherever I’ve forgotten via my Linktree page.)


2025 Goals